Policies and Procedures
To obtain the best learning programs and outcomes, students and other involved parties should read and understand our policies and procedures whenever they are applicable.
What You Should Comply
(if applicable)
Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedure
If you want to complain about our staff and operations or want to appeal any decision made by VTI, please read the policy and procedure here.
Deferring Suspending and Cancelling Policy and Procedure
Severe illness or injury, bereavement of close family members, etc., or for some reason, you could not continue a course and want to cancel it; you can find the policy and procedure here.
Fees and Charges Policy
Consider fees during your admissions, enrolment and study? Get more details here.
Admissions Policy and Procedure
Here is the procedure for assessing prospective students’ educational qualifications, experience, and English language proficiency before making decisions.
Refund Policy and Procedure
The policy aims to set out the circumstances under which students may claim a refund and the associated procedures for handling refunds.
Student Support Services Policy and Procedure
This policy provides a student support mechanism that provides academic and learning support services and an opportunity for students to access welfare-related support services to assist with issues that may arise during their journey at VTI.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfer Policy and Procedure
This policy and the associated procedure ensure quality, integrity and consistency in recognising and assessing prior learning and competencies.
Monitoring Course Progress Policy and Procedure
This policy intends to provide all students with the best opportunity to meet their course requirements, study goals, and aspirations and ensure that they do not breach their visa requirements and complete their course within the expected duration specified in the student CoE.
Transfer Between Registered Providers Policy and Procedure
The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that VTI meets the law and regulation requirements in respect of managing requests from Overseas Students who seek to transfer between CRICOS Registered Providers of Education.
Student Code of Conduct and Discipline Policy
This code aims to set out the expectations of students for their academic and personal conduct and outlines VTI’s responsibilities towards students.
Health and Safety Policy
The purpose of this policy is to affirm VTI’s commitment to occupational health and safety and reflects the value VTI places on the health and wellbeing of its staff members, students and people who visit or attend college for various reasons.
Critical Incident Policy and Procedure
The purpose of this Policy and Procedure ensures that any critical incident, which occurs, is documented, reported and appropriately actioned by VTI.
Plagiarism and Cheating Policy
This policy and procedure outline how we monitor students’ work to ensure academic integrity and validity of its courses to ensure that assessments are being conducted by the rules of evidence and principles of assessment.
Assessment Policy and Procedure
The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that the VTI meets the requirements under the SRTO 2015 for conducting assessments and to ensure that the assessment of competencies is conducted with integrity, honesty and fairness, via the establishment of a system of preparing, marking and recording the assessment of learning outcome.
Course Completion Within Expected Duration Policy and Procedure
The policy outlines standards and procedures that students need to satisfy to complete a course within an expected duration.

Get Updated
To learn more about our policies or ask questions, don’t hesitate to send us a message. We will bring you the clarity.