Leadership and Management Courses
The courses reflect the role of individuals with substantial experience in a range of settings who are seeking to further develop their skills across a wide range of business functions.
BSB80120 Graduate Diploma Of Management (Learning)
This qualification reflects the roles of individuals who apply highly specialised knowledge and skills in the field of organisational learning and capability development. Individuals in these roles generate and evaluate complex ideas. They also initiate, design and execute major learning and development functions within an organisation.
52 weeks
BSB60420 Advanced Diploma Of Leadership And Management
This qualification reflects the role of individuals who apply specialised knowledge and skills, together with experience in leadership and management, across a range of enterprise and industry contexts.
52 weeks
BSB50420 Diploma Of Leadership And Management
This qualification reflects the role of individuals who apply knowledge, practical skills and experience in leadership and management across a range of enterprise and industry contexts.
52 weeks
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