Transfer Between Registered Providers Policy and Procedure
The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that VTI meets the law and regulation requirements in respect of managing requests from Overseas Students who seek to transfer between CRICOS Registered Providers of Education.
1. Policy
The main objective of the Transfer between Registered Providers Policy and Procedure is to primarily adhere to the 'Standard 7 –Overseas Student transfers’ of the ‘National Code of Practice for Providers of Education & Training to Overseas Students 2018' as per which the Registered Providers are restricted from enrolling a Student on to a course of study, where that Student is transferring from another Provider and has not yet studied six months of their principal course of study.
2. Purpose
The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that VTI meets the requirements of the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000 and Standard 7 of the National Code of Practice 2018 (The National Code) in respect of managing requests from Overseas Students who seek to transfer between CRICOS Registered Providers of Education and training services (Registered Providers).
3. Scope
This Policy and Procedure would abide any Student who applies for a course within VTI and/or is currently studying on-shore with another Registered Provider. This Policy also addresses the internal course or campus transfer. This Policy also applies to associated VTI staff and authorised agents involved in recruitment of Students on behalf of VTI.
4. Definitions
CoE: Confirmation of Enrolment (COE) is an official document issued to the international Students, in order apply for their Student visa. It confirms that they have been accepted in a course and paid their fees.
Compelling and Compassionate Circumstances: These are the circumstances that are generally beyond the control of the Overseas Student and which have an impact upon the overseas student’s course progress or wellbeing. These could include, but are not limited to:
- serious illness or injury, where a medical certificate states that the overseas student was unable to attend classes
- bereavement of close family members such as parents or grandparents (where possible a death certificate should be provided)
- major political upheaval or natural disaster in the home country requiring emergency travel and this has impacted on the overseas student’s studies or
- a traumatic experience, which could include:
- involvementin,orwitnessingofaseriousaccident;
- witnessingorbeingthevictimofaseriouscrime,andthishasimpactedontheoverseas student (these cases should be supported by police or psychologists’ reports)
- where the registered provider was unable to offer a pre-requisite unit, or the overseas student has failed a prerequisite unit and therefore faces a shortage of relevant units for which they are eligible to enrol.
Conditional Offer: Conditional offer letter means that Student have not yet satisfied academic, English language or any other entry requirements. It includes details of offer conditions and how they can satisfy these requirements (including paying course deposits) will be mentioned in this offer letter.
CRICOS: The Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students
DHA: Department of Home Affairs
ESOS: Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 is a national code that applies to delivering of Education and training courses to Overseas Students.
Principal Course: The main course of study to be undertaken by an Overseas Student where a Student Visa has been issued for multiple courses of study. The principal course of study would normally be the final course of study where the Overseas Student arrives in Australia with a Student Visa that covers multiple courses.
PRISMS: Provider Registration and International Student Management System
Six Months of Principal Course: Six months of principal course means completion of the 1st six calendar months of the principal course. The calculation of this period starts from the date the Student commenced the course.
5. Policy Statement
a. VTI will not knowingly enrol a Student transferring to VTI, who has not completed at least 6 months of their initial principal course without meeting specified criteria outlined in the ESOS Standards. Except where any of the following apply:
- the releasing Registered Provider, or the course in which the Overseas Student is enrolled, has ceased to be Registered
- the releasing Registered Provider has had a sanction imposed on its registration by the ESOS agency that prevents the Overseas Student from continuing his or her course at that Registered Provider
- the releasing Registered Provider has agreed to the Overseas Student’s release and recorded the date of effect and reason for release in PRISMS
- any government sponsor of the Student considers the change to be in the Student’s best interest and has provided written support for that change
b. A valid enrolment offer is required from another Registered Provider confirming that a valid enrolment offer has been made to assess the release application at VTI.
c. Students who have studied longer than 6 months can apply as normal and no letters of offer needs to be sighted.
d. VTI ensures this Policy and Procedures are reflected or summarised in its marketing and advertising of its training programs to prospective Students prior to enrolment, as well as to Education agents, and to provide accurate and ethical information.
e. In accordance with Standard 4.6 of The National Code 2018, VTI will not accept Students from, or enter in to an agreement with an Education agent, where it knows or suspects that the Education agent has attempted to recruit a Student where this conflicts with the obligations under Standard 7.
6. Procedure
This Policy details the Procedures for assessing applications to transfer within this period. The Procedures outlined below will ensure that it does not enrol any transferring international Student prior to the 6 months of their principal course being completed unless that Student has a valid letter of release agreeing to such a transfer and the Procedures outlined below will be implemented, it has been separated into ‘Incoming Students’ and ‘Outgoing Students.’
6.1 Incoming Students (Transfer to VTI)
Any requests that are received in relation to a Student wishing to transfer Education Providers will be the responsibility of the Administration Staff. The Administration Staff will assess the applications to transfer Education Providers and conclude an outcome based on the following Procedure:
a. Administration Staff accesses the student information via documents provided by student at the time of enrolment/application (eCoE, Visa Copy etc.). This is done to determine if the student has completed 6 months of study in their principal course or not.
b. Where a Student has NOT completed 6-months of their principal course of study, Administration Staff will request the Student to provide the release from PRISMS from the provider.
c. If the Student has successfully obtained release from the previous provider, then the Administration Staff process the application in accordance with VTI’s Admission Policy and Procedure.
d. If no satisfactory letter of release is obtained from such Students, the application process is halted and the Student informed that they are unable to enrol at this time. They are welcome to re-activate their application when the 6-month period has passed or they have successfully obtained release from the PRISMS.
e. If they have completed more than 6-months of their principal course of study, then the Administration Staff will process the application in accordance with VTI’s Admission Policy and Procedure.
f. Note that where the original institution or course has ceased to be Registered, or sanctions have been imposed on its registration by regulatory body, no letter of release is required.
6.2 Outgoing Students (Transfer from VTI)
The following Procedure is relevant to those Students wishing to transfer to another Education Provider prior to completing 6-months of their principal course of study from VTI.
a. Students make a written request (e-mail is satisfactory) to Administration Staff to transfer to another Provider. The ‘Release Letter’ will be issued in the following circumstances which includes the following but are not limited to:
- VTI has cancelled/ceased to offer the course (letter from VTI supplied).
- VTI has had a sanction imposed on its registration by the ESOS agency that prevents the Overseas Student from continuing their course with that Registered Provider.
- Government sponsor considers the change to be in the Student’s best interest, if they are a sponsored Student (written confirmation from sponsor required).
- Exceptional circumstances where there is evidence of compassionate and compelling circumstances (documentation required to support circumstances and a letter of offer from another Provider is required).
- There is genuine, authentic and valid evidence to support that the student was misled by the registered provider or an education or migration agent regarding the registered provider or its course and the course is therefore unsuitable to their needs and/or study objectives.
- Student will be reported because they are unable to achieve satisfactory course progress at the level they are studying, even after engaging with the intervention strategy in accordance with Standard 8 of National Code 2018 and the VTI’s Monitoring Course Progress Policy and Procedure.
- There is evidence that the student’s reasonable expectations about their current course are not being met.
- An appeal (internal or external) on another matter results in a decision or recommendation to release the student.
b. The Student is asked to provide a valid ‘Offer of Enrolment’ from the new Provider authenticating the transfer and the Student is able to provide a letter indicating the benefits of transferring from their current course of study.
c. In assessing the application to transfer, the Administration Staff will check the following points:
- Ensure any outstanding fees are paid - Ensure the Student is fully aware of all issues relating the transferring of Providers.
- Check Student records to ensure the Student is not trying to avoid being reported to the appropriate Government Agency(s) due to lack of course progress, poor attendance records (which ever applies).
d. Once the above points have been addressed by the Administration Staff a ‘Letter of Release’ will be issued at no charge to the Student. The Student will also be advised of the need to contact DHA to seek advice on whether a new Student visa is required.
e. The Administration Staff must report the Student’s termination of studies via PRISMS and email notification sent to the Student.
f. Where the transfer is not in the best interest of the Student, the request to transfer to another Provider will be refused. Reasons for refusal may include but are not limited to:
- New course outcome is not suitable to Student situation
- New course location is not suitable
- Provider is not a CRICOS Registered Provider
- The welfare of the Student may be compromised
g. This decision of the appropriateness of the transfer will be made by the Operations Manager and must be given to the Student in writing of:
- the reasons for the refusal
- the Overseas Student’s right to access VTI’s complaints and appeals process, in accordance with Standard 10 (Complaints and appeals), within 20 working days.
h. Administrative Staff would have 10 working days to assess and give outcome to the Overseas Students transfer request from the date of receipt.
i. VTI will not finalise the student’s refusal status in PRISMS until the appeal finds in favour of the registered provider, or student has chosen not to access the complaints and appeals processes within the 20 working day period, or student withdraws from the process.
j. Where a Student is granted a release their entitlement to a refund of course will be assessed in accordance with VTI Refund Policy.
k. All requests, considerations, decisions and copies of letters of release should be placed on Student’s file. These records need to be maintained by VTI for 2 years after the Overseas Student ceases to be an accepted Student.
7. Internal course or campus transfer Procedure (within VTI)
Guidelines for the Students: Overseas Student can apply for an internal transfer, if they wish to transfer course or to a different VTI campus.
I. Course Transfer: The minimum requirements for course transfer include:
- You must be a current Student
- You must meet the entry requirements of the new course
- You must successfully complete the academic requirements of your primary course
a. If you meet the above requirements, you must submit an application to withdraw, cancel the current course.
b. You must make an application for the preferred course.
c. If your application is successful, you will be provided with an offer letter for the new course.
d. You must officially accept the written agreement included in the offer letter.
e. Your CoE for the current course will be cancelled in PRISMS.
f. New CoE will be issued for the new course and the course variation fee will apply
g. The application for course transfer will be processed in 10 working days.
II. Campus Transfer
a. You must fill out an Internal Transfer Form.
b. Consultation will be organised with the Administration Staff, if needed
c. Transfer is subjected to the availability of seats.
d. If the transfer is approved you must attend the orientation.
e. Internal transfer fee will apply (eCoE change fee as per VTI’s Fee and Charges Policy)
f. The application for campus transfer will be processed in 10 working days.
III. Fees
a. If you transfer the delivery location but remain in the same course, your fees will be charged as per the course fees structure at the respective location.
b. If you transfer into a different course (with or without changing the location) you will be considered as a new enrolment and fees will be changes based on your new course start date.
c. For fee amounts please refer to our website at or contact VTI Administration Staff.
Please note: You can only apply for transfer between campuses once within the course duration.
8. Guidelines for the Student Administration
a. Changes in course location needs to be reported to the Department via PRISMS.
b. Course transfer would follow the similar process as that of the new application process.
c. Administration Staff must ensure that the Student has fulfilled the academic requirements of the course, by reviewing the number of units completed during the study period.
d. Contact notes are added and email circulated to the allocated Trainers and Assessors.
e. Ensure that all the documentations are recorded in the Student file.
f. Student orientation (induction) for the new campus must be organised by the Student Administration.
9. Related Documents
- Enrolment Cancellation Form
- Letter of Release
- Letter of Refusal to Transfer
- Internal Transfer Form
- Admissions Policy and Procedure
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